The first Doctor's story begins in the winter of 1963, in a junk yard in Totters Yard, London. A mysterious old man known only as "the Doctor" and his teenage grand daughter Susan, exiles from their own planet are attempting to live amongst the local population of London. Susan has even gone as far as enrolling at a local School - Coal Hill Elementary, where she excells in science classes and begins to attract unwanted attention from two school teachers; Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright.
One night, suspicious of Susan's odd behaviour in class, Ian and Barbara follow Susan back to the junk yard on Totters Lane. Susan is greeted by her elderly grandfather whereupon the two disapear into an old Police Box that stands amogst the junk.
Forcing their way into the old Police Box, Ian and Barbara are stunned to discover the interior of the Police Box is actually much larger on the inside and is in fact a sort of gleeming white control room and home to all manner of high-tech space age equipment. The Doctor is aghast at the ill manners in which Ian and Barbara have forced their way into his home. Susan explains to the Doctor that the two intruders are school teachers at her local school. Susan, trying to put Ian and Barbara at ease with their new surroundings, explains to the two teachers that they are now aboard the "Tardis" - a time machine.
"Time And Relative Dimensions In Space," explains Susan.
The Doctor closes the Tardis doors trapping the two hapless teachers onboard the Tardis. The Doctor explains to Ian and Barabra that he and his grand daughter are exiles from their home planet and are in hiding on Earth. Not believing a word of the Doctor or Susan's words Ian angrily demands that the old man set them all free at once.
"What, and let you tell others of what you have seen here? I think not!" declares the Doctor.
With a mischevious glint of the eye the Doctor circles the console, pulling levers and turning dials. The central column begins to rise and fall and a strange throbbing groaning sound fills the room. The very fabric of time and space seems to bend and blur before the hapless school teachers.
The Tardis and its crew are about to begin their first adventure.
The Doctor meets his most persistent and deadliest enemies in his second adventure - the Daleks!
Arriving on the seemingly lifeless barren planet Skaro, the Doctor and his companions discover a deserted metal city. Whilst exploring this city the Doctor, Ian and Barbara are captured by the Daleks - mutated creatures that must live inside metal robotic bodies to survive. Back at the Tardis Susan encounters a humanoid people - the Thals.
The Doctor meets his most persistent and deadliest enemies in his second adventure - the Daleks!
A recreation of the original Target novel's cover using a First Doctor figure and Dalek toys |
Arriving on the seemingly lifeless barren planet Skaro, the Doctor and his companions discover a deserted metal city. Whilst exploring this city the Doctor, Ian and Barbara are captured by the Daleks - mutated creatures that must live inside metal robotic bodies to survive. Back at the Tardis Susan encounters a humanoid people - the Thals.
The Daleks continue to hate the Thals and seek the total extermination of the Thal race. The Daleks attempt to trick the Doctor and his companions by forcing them to communicate with the Thals on their behalf, the Daleks promise that the two races could meet in peace in the city and put an end to their bitter past.
With their power source destroyed the Daleks can no longer sustain the energy needed to support their life support, the Daleks beg the Doctor to help them but in their final moments the Doctor refuses.
The Tardis and her crew arrive in a seemingly deserted ruined London of the future. In the skies above London a Flying Saucer flies overhead, landing somewhere near Trafalgar square. The Doctor and Ian are separated from Susan and Barbara and find themselves on the bank of the river Thames pursued by thuggish zombie like survivors – the Robomen. The Doctor is shocked to see a Dalek gliding up from the murky waters of the Thames – the Daleks have invaded Earth!
The Dalek boast of being the "masters of Earth." "We'll see about that!" threatens the Doctor.
Susan and Barbara are taken into hiding by a group of human resistance fighters while the Doctor and Ian are taken aboard the Daleks’ Saucer as prisoners to be converted into the Daleks slaves - as Robomen.
A daring raid on the Dalek Saucer by the human resistance fighters manages to free the Doctor and Ian but having taken heavy losses the fighters are now scattered across London. The leader of the resistance tells the Doctor that the Daleks are carrying out heavy mining operations in Surrey.
Having travelled across the Dalek infested London to reach Surrey, the Doctor discovers that the Daleks plan to mine and bomb down into the Earth’s core to install alien technology that will turn the planet into a giant spaceship piloted by the Daleks. The Doctor manages to organise an uprising of the slave mine workers and Robomen alike and the Daleks and their Saucer are eventually destroyed by their own bombs.
At the end of the adventure Susan bids a final farewell to her grand father. The Doctor having observed her budding romance with Steven a resistance fighter locks her out of the Tardis, telling her that she will have a better life on Earth than facing the dangers of roaming time and space with him.
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