The Bohemian Wonderer - Tom Baker


The Fourth Doctor assumes the persona of a bohemian traveler, all teeth and curls with a love of over long scarves and Jelly Baby sweets. The Brigadier worries that his old friend’s new incarnation is more than a little unstable.

The Fourth Doctor’s first Earth bound adventure has him battling the K1 Robot and a fascist political group made up of scientists named; “Think Tank.” The K1 Robot was originally created by Professor Kettlewell for peaceful purposes but he and his robot have been manipulated and used for a sinister purpose by the Think Tank group. Whilst the Doctor recovers from his regeneration,Sarah investigates the shady organisation and discovers Kettlewell's Robot.

Think Tank has been using the Robot to steal valuable prototype laser weapons with an aim to trigger an all out Nuclear War and establishing a New World Order. The Robot is re-programmed by Think Tank to kill the Doctor which conflicts with the Robot's internal "Law of robotics" (never to harm human life). Whilst trying to protect his creation Professor Kettlewell is accidentally killed by the Robot. The ensuing mental conflict in the Robot’s brain sends the unfortunate creature mad.

Whilst trying to destroy the K1 Robot the Brigadier unwittingly triggers an adverse side effect which sees the Robot grow in great size. The giant Robot goes on the rampage in order to find the one person who has ever shown the Robot any pity – Sarah Jane Smith.

In a race against time, the Doctor in the UNIT laboratory, creates a virus that will destroy the specific living metal that the K1 Robot is created from. The Doctor lures the rampaging Robot into giving chase whereupon the metal virus is unleashed. With the rust virus eating away at the Robot's metal body, the Robot returns to normal size and eventually dies. Sarah is the only one to shed a tear at the unfortunate death of the abused Robot.

 The Doctor attempts to cheer up Sarah and asks her to accompany him in the Tardis so that they might get away from the troubles of UNIT and Earth. Sarah agrees to the Doctor's offer and together they begin their adventures anew.


Beaming down to Earth from the Nerva Beacon space station, to ascertain the damage done to the planet from years of solar flares from the sun, the Doctor comes across Sontaran Field Major Styre who is surveying the now abandoned Earth as a possible staging point for an invasion.

Styre is carrying out experiments on a group of lone humans, testing their strength and pain thresholds. The Doctor frees the prisoners but must now face the wrath of an enraged Stye in hand to hand combat.


The Time Lords send the Doctor on the most important mission of his lives so far, to return to Skaro at the time of the Genesis of the Daleks - his mission to prevent the creation of the Daleks or to change their evolution so they evolve into less dangerous creatures.

The Doctor and Sarah find themselves on a war ravaged Sakro at the time of the atomic conflict between the Kaleds and the Thals. Each side has reached stalemate and now the scientists on both sides seek a final solution to the decades of war.

Davros, a crippled brilliant Kaled scientist has developed a life support system that will house the mutant creature that he has foreseen his race evolving into due to years of exposure to radiation.

The life support system, known as a “Dalek” is seen as Davros’ victory against the Thals. The Kaled scientist elite have discovered that Davros has been tampering with the genetic pattern of the mutant creature by removing what he regards as weak emotions. The Doctor encourages the scientists to rise up against Davros and put an end to his experiments.

Davros discovers the uprising within his ranks and together with his cruel security officer Nyder hatches a makavelian plan to route out the traitors and gain support  so that he can carry out work on the Dalek project.

Fearing that he is loosing control, Davros sacrifices his own government and people by secretly allowing the Thals to destroy the final Kaled city. From inside his underground bunker Davros uses the terrible demise of his people for his own propaganda and convinces those that remain of the scientific and military elite to follow him, he promises them all that the Thals will be exterminated.

Davros uses the proto-Daleks to exterminate the scientists within the bunker that had threatened to betray him and the Daleks. Davros sends his newly blooded Daleks on a mission to infiltrate the Thal city to exterminate them as they celebrate their false victory. No survivors - total destruction!

The Doctor tries to appeal to Davros’ scientific mind; why not create a creature for good and not destruction. The Doctor poses a hypothetical question to Davros: if he had engineered a virus so powerful that it would kill all life in the Universe, would he allow its use?

Fascinated by the concept, Davros considers the implication. Davros rants that such a power would set him up amongst the Gods and through the Daleks he shall have that power! The Doctor now realizes that Davros is truly insane. 
The Doctor escapes from Davros' clutches and unites with a Thal resistance group that have escaped the destruction of their city. The Doctor tells Sarah that he must return to the Kaled bunker and destroy the Daleks for good.

At the Dalek incubation chamber the Doctor rigs up a series of explosives that will destroy the Dalek factory, all he need do is to touch two wires together and the Daleks will be destroyed forever. The Doctor is consumed with doubt as he considers the moral implication of genocide - does he have the right to destroy an entire race?

“If someone pointed out to you a child, and that that child would grow up to be ruthless dictator, could you then kill that child?” muses the Doctor.

The Doctor concludes that the balance of the universe needs the evil of the Daleks as much as it needs the good of the people that would fight them. He discards the two wires.

In the control room of the bunker Davros struggles to control the Daleks. The Daleks turn on Davros and order the extermination of his remaining men. Davros begs the Daleks to have pity but the Daleks have no concept of the word having had such emotions removed by Davros.

Realizing his terrible mistake too late Davros tries to stop the Daleks by destroying the bunker, as his hand reaches out for a total destruct button Davros is exterminated by his own creations.


Returning to the Nerva Beacon station in another time zone the Doctor discovers that the station has been infiltrated by a nomadic group of Cybermen. The Cybermen seek to use the Nerva Beacon to destroy an asteroid that is all that remains of Voga the planet of gold. The Cybermen fear gold as it plates their breathing apparatus and suffocates them.

The Doctor and a number of hostage are turned into walking bombs and beamed down under the surface of the Voga asteroid where they will travel to the core and leave their bombs, they will have 15 minutes to return to the trans-mat and Nerva Beacon before the bombs are detonated.

The Cybermen and their hostages are discovered by the Vogans and the ensuing battle allows the Doctor to defuse the bombs and returns to Nerva Beacon.

In a last desperate bid to destroy the asteroid the Cybermen set Nerva Beacon on a direct collision course with Voga. The Doctor gets Nerva beacon under control and the Cybermen’s space craft is destroyed by a rocket from Voga.

To be continued (Under Construction)...